Rooms That Need a Refresh

1. The Bedroom
Who here has forgotten (or simply been too tired) to plug in their phone before going to bed at night? This makes for a hectic morning, rushing to get a quick charge on a low battery before leaving or a few minutes before taking an important call. Make it easy to recharge your batteries as you sleep with a wireless charger. Wake up renewed & full of energy.

2. The Office
If you're working from home or sharing an office space, sound can be an issue when calling into a meeting or talking on the phone. Wireless earbuds give you the privacy that you need without limiting your mobility.

3. The Kitchen
Do you look up recipes or cooking times on your computer, then find yourself going back and forth between rooms? A phone stand is a great addition to the kitchen. Watch cooking videos or stream your favorite show.
Get in Touch
Do you have a project that you're working on or room that you're refurbishing? Get in touch – We can help you upgrade your space in style, on any budget. We'd love to hear from you!